C 鍨嬬編鍥藉叕鍙告槸鑲′唤鏈夐檺鍏徃鐨勬爣鍑嗗瀷锛屾敞鍐岀編鍥藉叕鍙镐粬鏄竴涓嫭绔嬬殑娓呮鐨勫悎娉曞疄浣擄紝鍙互寮€璁鹃摱琛屽笎鎴凤紝鎷ユ湁鐗╀骇锛屽仛鐢熸剰锛屾墍鏈夋潈鍦ㄥ叕鍙稿悕涓嬶紝鍏跺ソ澶勬槸浠栫殑鑲?nbsp;涓滀笉蹇呭鍏徃鐨勫€哄姟鍜屼箟鍔′粯涓汉璐d换銆傚鏋滃叕鍙稿鍛婄牬浜э紝鍏徃鎵€鏈変汉涓嶄細琚姹傜敤浠栦滑鐨勭浜鸿储浜ф潵鏀粯鍏徃鍊哄姟锛屽€烘潈浜轰笉鑳藉悜鍏徃鐨勮偂涓溿€佽懀浜嬫垨楂樼骇涓荤 瑕佹眰璧斿伩銆?/span>
The "C" Corporation is the most common form of ownership used by both small and large
businesses. It is a separate and legal entity that offers limited liability protection, unlimited
life, easy to raise capital, complete flexibility of ownership, may have various classes of
stock, free transferability of ownership and tax benefits. One disadvantage for a small
business is that income is first taxed at a corporate level at corporate tax rates.
Then when the corporation issues dividends to its shareholders, the same money is taxed
again at the shareholder level resulting in the same income being taxed twice.
"C" Corporations must maintain corporate formalities such as annual meetings and
other resolutions and have governmental regulations.
A "S" Corporation operates primarily in the same manner as a "C" Corporation
except in a "S" Corporation all earnings are passed directly through to the
owners' personal income tax return avoiding the double taxation. It also loses
some of the tax deductions allowed to "C" Corporations. However, there are
certain requirements to qualify for the "S" status under the current IRS rules.
If the federal election is approved, the shareholders are eligible to make similar
election to the state. If the state election is also made, shareholders of the
corporation pay personal income tax on income earned by the corporation.
A "LLC" is an alternative to corporations and partnerships. The LLC provides the
corporate advantage of limited personal liability and the taxation advantage of
partnerships. As a flexible business entity, the LLC is an alternative to traditional
forms of business.
The members of the LLC are the owners of the business. A member can invest in
the LLC in exchange for a percentage of ownership interest. In a member-managed LLC, the members act as the managers and are involved in the day-to-day operation of the business. In a manager-managed LLC, specific managers are designated to run the business.
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